Monday, February 16, 2015

Book Review: Washington - A Life

Washington: A Life, by Ron Chernow

From the book’s cover:

From National Book Award winner Ron Chernow, a landmark biography of George Washington.
In Washington: A Life celebrated biographer Ron Chernow provides a richly nuanced portrait of the father of our nation. With a breadth and depth matched by no other one-volume life of Washington, this crisply paced narrative carries the reader through his troubled boyhood, his precocious feats in the French and Indian War, his creation of Mount Vernon, his heroic exploits with the Continental Army, his presiding over the Constitutional Convention, and his magnificent performance as America's first president.
Despite the reverence his name inspires, Washington remains a lifeless waxwork for many Americans, worthy but dull. A laconic man of granite self-control, he often arouses more respect than affection. In this groundbreaking work, based on massive research, Chernow dashes forever the stereotype of a stolid, unemotional man. A strapping six feet, Washington was a celebrated horseman, elegant dancer, and tireless hunter, with a fiercely guarded emotional life. Chernow brings to vivid life a dashing, passionate man of fiery opinions and many moods. Probing his private life, he explores his fraught relationship with his crusty mother, his youthful infatuation with the married Sally Fairfax, and his often conflicted feelings toward his adopted children and grandchildren. He also provides a lavishly detailed portrait of his marriage to Martha and his complex behavior as a slave master.
At the same time, Washington is an astute and surprising portrait of a canny political genius who knew how to inspire people. Not only did Washington gather around himself the foremost figures of the age, including James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson, but he also brilliantly orchestrated their actions to shape the new federal government, define the separation of powers, and establish the office of the presidency.
In this unique biography, Ron Chernow takes us on a page-turning journey through all the formative events of America's founding. With a dramatic sweep worthy of its giant subject, Washington is a magisterial work from one of our most elegant storytellers.

The review:

To do a decent summary of Washington: A Life would be difficult at best, so I'm going to stoop to stealing the review summary from, and then comment on both the book and what I learned of Washington from it afterward.  If you want to skip the list of interesting tidbits and get to the meat of my review, then you'll have some scrolling to do.  I suggest... let me see... about thirty paragraphs worth.  Yes, did I said thirty.

The author, Ron Chernow. / Source:
Ron Chernow Shares Surprising Facts About George Washington

--Washington was the only major founder who lacked a college education. John Adams went to Harvard, James Madison to Princeton, and Alexander Hamilton to Columbia, making Washington self-conscious about what he called his “defective education.”

--Washington never had wooden teeth. He wore dentures that were made of either walrus or elephant ivory and were fitted with real human teeth. Over time, as the ivory got cracked and stained, it resembled the grain of wood. Washington may have purchased some of his teeth from his own slaves.

--Washington had a strangely cool and distant relationship with his mother. During the Revolutionary War and her son’s presidency, she never uttered a word of praise about him and she may even have been a Tory. No evidence exists that she ever visited George and Martha Washington at Mount Vernon. Late in the Revolutionary War, Mary Washington petitioned the Virginia legislature for financial relief, pleading poverty—and, by implication, neglect by her son. Washington, who had been extremely generous to his mother, was justly indignant.

--Even as a young man, Washington seemed to possess a magical immunity to bullets. In one early encounter in the French and Indian War, he absorbed four bullets in his coat and hat and had two horses shot from under him yet emerged unscathed. This led one Indian chief to predict that some higher power was guiding him to great events in the future.

The Washington estate at Mount Vernon.  Washington was almost constantly making changes and updates to the place, and so the version we have today is somewhat different from what it looked like when first constructed. / Source:
--By age 30 Washington had survived smallpox, malaria, dysentery, and other diseases. Although he came from a family of short-lived men, he had an iron constitution and weathered many illnesses that would have killed a less robust man. He lived to the age of 67.

--While the Washingtons were childless—it has always been thought that George Washington was sterile—they presided over a household teeming with children. Martha had two children from her previous marriage and she and George later brought up two grandchildren as well, not to mention countless nieces and nephews.

--That Washington was childless proved a great boon to his career. Because he had no heirs, Americans didn’t worry that he might be tempted to establish a hereditary monarchy. And many religious Americans believed that God had deliberately deprived Washington of children so that he might serve as Father of His Country.

--Though he tried hard to be fair and took excellent medical care of his slaves, Washington could be a severe master. His diaries reveal that during one of the worst cold snaps on record in Virginia—when Washington himself found it too cold to ride outside—he had his field slaves out draining swamps and performing other arduous tasks.
--For all her anxiety about being constantly in a battle zone, Martha Washington spent a full half of the Revolutionary War with her husband—a major act of courage that has largely gone unnoticed.

--Washington was obsessed with his personal appearance, which extended to his personal guard during the war. Despite wartime austerity and a constant shortage of soldiers, he demanded that all members of his personal guard be between 5'8" and 5'10"; a year later, he narrowed the range to 5'9" to 5'10."

When I Googled for images of "Fort Necessity," I was at first surprised to see the soldiers represented in British red coat uniforms.  Then it struck me, as should have been plain all along, they were still British at the time! / Source:
--While Washington lost more battles than he won, he still ranks as a great general. His greatness lay less in his battlefield brilliance—he committed some major strategic blunders—than in his ability to hold his ragged army intact for more than eight years, keeping the flame of revolution alive.

--Washington ran his own spy network during the war and was often the only one privy to the full scope of secret operations against the British. He anticipated many techniques of modern espionage, including the use of misinformation and double agents.

--Washington tended his place in history with extreme care. Even amid wartime stringency, he got Congress to appropriate special funds for a full-time team of secretaries who spent two years copying his wartime papers into beautiful ledgers.

--For thirty years, Washington maintained an extraordinary relationship with his slave and personal manservant William Lee, who accompanied him throughout the Revolutionary War and later worked in the presidential mansion. Lee was freed upon Washington’s death and given a special lifetime annuity.

--The battle of Yorktown proved the climactic battle of the revolution and the capstone of Washington’s military career, but he initially opposed this Franco-American operation against the British—a fact he later found hard to admit.

No, Washington didn't have wooden teeth.  He did, on the other hand, have a rather unpleasant looking set of dentures that make me glad for modern dentistry.  Even if it still seems like a rather barbaric form of science, if you ask me. / Source:
--Self-conscious about his dental problems, Washington maintained an air of extreme secrecy when corresponding with his dentist and never used such incriminating words as ‘teeth’ or ‘dentures.’ By the time he became president, Washington had only a single tooth left—a lonely lower left bicuspid that held his dentures in place.

--Washington always displayed extremely ambivalence about his fame. Very often, when he was traveling, he would rise early to sneak out of a town or enter it before he could be escorted by local dignitaries. He felt beleaguered by the social demands of his own renown.

--At Mount Vernon, Washington functioned as his own architect—and an extremely original one at that. All of the major features that we associate with the house—the wide piazza and colonnade overlooking the Potomac, the steeple and the weathervane with the dove of peace—were personally designed by Washington himself.

--A master showman with a brilliant sense of political stagecraft, Washington would disembark from his coach when he was about to enter a town then mount a white parade horse for maximum effect. It is not coincidental that there are so many fine equestrian statues of him.

--Land-rich and cash-poor, Washington had to borrow money to attend his own inauguration in New York City in 1789. He then had to borrow money again when he moved back to Virginia after two terms as president. His public life took a terrible toll on his finances.

George Washington's relationship with the thorny problem of slavery is a complex one, and probably not something that can be definitively explained, even by experts today.  It appears Washington had misgivings about the concept, though at the same time, he was without doubt benefitting from the system itself.  In all likelihood, Washington was so much a man of his time on this particular subject that he probably did not see slavery as fundamentally wrong, as later generations would.  Of course, this is my two cents on the subject.  I am sure there are experts out there who could easily argue this point much more convincingly - one way or the other - than I. / Source:
--Martha Washington was never happy as First Lady—a term not yet in use—and wrote with regret after just six months of the experience: “I think I am more like a state prisoner than anything else...And as I cannot do as I like, I am obstinate and stay home a great deal.”

--When the temporary capital moved to Philadelphia in 1790, Washington brought six or seven slaves to the new presidential mansion. Under a Pennsylvania abolitionist law, slaves who stayed continuously in the state for six months were automatically free. To prevent this, Washington, secretly coached by his Attorney General, rotated his slaves in and out of the state without telling them the real reason for his actions.

--Washington nearly died twice during his first term in office, the first time from a tumor on his thigh that may have been from anthrax or an infection, the second time from pneumonia. Many associates blamed his sedentary life as president for the sudden decline in his formerly robust health and he began to exercise daily.

--Tired of the demands of public life, Washington never expected to serve even one term as president, much less two. He originally planned to serve for only a year or two, establish the legitimacy of the new government, then resign as president. Because of one crisis after another, however, he felt a hostage to the office and ended up serving two full terms. For all his success as president, Washington frequently felt trapped in the office.

--Exempt from attacks at the start of his presidency, Washington was viciously attacked in the press by his second term. His opponents accused him of everything from being an inept general to wanting to establish a monarchy. At one point, he said that not a single day had gone by that he hadn’t regretted staying on as president.

--Washington has the distinction of being the only president ever to lead an army in battle as commander-in-chief. During the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794, he personally journeyed to western Pennsylvania to take command of a large army raised to put down the protest against the excise tax on distilled spirits.

Why did Washington cross the Delaware?  To get to the other side, of course. / Source:
--Two of the favorite slaves of George and Martha Washington—Martha’s personal servant, Ona Judge and their chef Hercules—escaped to freedom at the end of Washington’s presidency. Washington employed the resources of the federal government to try to entrap Ona Judge in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and return her forcibly to Virginia. His efforts failed.

--Washington stands out as the only founder who freed his slaves, at least the 124 who were under his personal control. (He couldn’t free the so-called ‘dower slaves’ who came with his marriage to Martha.) In his will, he stipulated that the action was to take effect only after Martha died so that she could still enjoy the income from those slaves.

--After her husband died, Martha grew terrified at the prospect that the 124 slaves scheduled to be freed after her death might try to speed up the timetable by killing her. Unnerved by the situation, she decided to free those slaves ahead of schedule only a year after her husband died.

--Like her husband, Martha Washington ended up with a deep dislike of Thomas Jefferson, whom she called “one of the most detestable of mankind.” When Jefferson visited her at Mount Vernon before he became president, Martha said that it was the second worst day of her life—the first being the day her husband died.
(the preceding factoid paragraphs taken from

George Washington, kneeling in prayer at Valley Forge.  Many have said that Washington was not a religious man, and therefore they claim this picture is a complete fabrication.  Personally, I think Washington was a pragmatist.  If prayer would have helped in such a bleak cause as the one he faced, I'd bet he'd have done it.  Of course, the book sheds some light on Washington's religious motivations, but sadly, by the time I have gotten around to adding photos to my notes on the book, I have forgotten the details. / Source:
If you got this far, then you see just how much information Washington: A Life packs in.  As an aside, I recall being in the first grade and learning about George Washington, and I remember being told lots of things that I suppose most Americans are.  It's almost a folklore, Washington's life.  The one I remember most specifically was that Washington chopped down a cherry tree, and when asked about it, (the impression given was this was done when he was a kid), he said "I cannot tell a lie, I did it."  This made an impression upon me as a young boy, as I am sure it was intended to do.  I wanted to be honest too, and have the guts to tell the truth, no matter what might come of it.  A pity that life has taught me so many shades of gray since those days of boyhood.  But that innocent ambition toward honesty was bolstered by this story about George Washington.

So it came as some surprise to the child still left lingering in my somewhat older bones to discover in Chernow's text a man who was much more flawed than my first grade teacher gave credit for.  Yes, I'm old enough to understand that the stories we tell our children are not always anything more than wishful thinking and good intentions, but the personal strengths of the man Washington were equally balanced with flaws I never imagined.  He was tough to live with, gripped with depression, indecisiveness, and could be down-right dishonest at times.  A specific instance of this that the book really surprised me on was Washington's use of deception in perpetuating his slaves who attended him in Philadelphia, the temporary capital city.  Washington was informed by his Attorney General that the law in Philadelphia stated that any slaves who remained in the city for a day longer than six months time were to become free.  Then the attorney general helped Washington circumvent this law, by advising him that the clock started over as soon as any slave in question left town.  So Washington, with his wife's full compliance, went about keeping his slaves under his ownership by sending them away before the clock ran out, then bringing them back again.

Yes, the cherry tree incident did not occur as recorded in anecdotal history.  But the sentiment it raises has been imbued with a power on this author's mind that goes back directly to the morality imparted by a teacher when I was at a very tender age.  I wish I could so easily take to such notions as a adult as I could when a child. / Source:
Washington seems to never have really understood that black slaves were really human beings, and not some odd species of children who must be worked very hard and treated as inferiors.  This is a sad commentary on the man who is called the father of our country.  The information Chernow provides makes it clear that slavery was a hot button issue right from the formation of the nation, and that Washington, though ambivalent about slavery as a general practice - and one who eventually freed many of his slaves - never truly understood the wrongness of the institution in of itself.

Washington: A Life was good, if a bit long.  But it was also richly detailed, and full of information I had not considered before.  Washington is enigmatic in many ways to the modern American, since so much legend and dogma is wrapped up in his years of service to the country.  Chernow does a good job of giving a fairly detailed and balanced viewpoint of this great leader, though he does spend too much time in places emphasizing Washington's goodness, and in others seems to be criticizing his weaknesses.  It is as if Chernow wants us to see past the myths and clutter that surrounds Washington, but is afraid to cast him in too much of any one light.

For my part I will say in the book's favor that it is interesting and full of detail, and though it is quite a long read compared to some of the other volumes I've gone through lately, it offers much for the prospective student of the life of George Washington.  I suppose I liked it especially because it took historical matters that I was forced to grudgingly study as a kid and have never taken much account of due to that fact, and made them seem relevant and interesting.  Things like Fort Necessity (in which a young Washington made serious tactical errors and should have not gotten out of alive, which of course would have seriously changed the fate of U.S. history), the trial of Valley Forge, Shays Rebellion, the Constitutional Convention, the birth of political parties in the U.S. (and the hot tempers that attended this - if you think partisan politics is a relatively modern day invention, you'll be surprised at the general tempestuousness seen in the wrangling of the early days of the Republic), the Whiskey Rebellion, Jay's Treaty, the XYZ Affair, and so many other things go from bland stories that you have to place in memory long enough to regurgitate out for the exam, to real and vibrant issues.

An uneasy sidebar of the life of Washington pertains to how he was viewed by North Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh.  Ho Chi Minh saw his nation's struggle for independence in similar light to many of history's great freedom fighters, including Washington.  And sadly, though I doubt Washington would have vocalized it in such a way, the quote above in some ways mirrors the feelings that the war of attrition American rebels had to practice in order to wear down British resolve in the colonies. / Source:
This is the book's strongest point to me.  Those who are more conversant with the Revolutionary period and the surrounding era of U.S. history will know these things better than I, but for myself, I found the book's strongest points to be in bringing that time to life through a close examination of the Father of Our Country.  I recommend Washington: A Life with the understanding that it does have some seeming flaws in delivery on Chernow's part, but that it appears quite exhaustive in scope and content, and tries hard to cover all the bases and reflect the complexities of the man and his time.  If you want to understand Washington and his times and are new to the subject, this is a great place to start.

OK, so I took most of this review from Amazon's product page...  I do that sometimes when I am feeling writers block.  I promise my next review will be at least 98.2% original. 

Learn more about Washington: A Life, by Ron Chernow, on

The parting comment:

Well he sounds almost equal with Lorde in terms of singing quality...  but I liked the parody.  Nice stuff.  Now if we can just get Weird Al to do a cover of it.

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